Mouth Wide Shut: Unspoken Male Eating Disorders & Mind Talk

“I escape into the eating disorder when shit gets crazy”- quoted by Daff in the latest episode of Mouth Wide Shut. ‼️WOW‼️ I was so so blown away by this interview with @bydaff not only was he the very FIRST male to appear on Mouth Wide Shut, but he spoke in such an open & Frank way about the battles he’s faced with his mental health over the years. In this IGTV ep, Daff opens up about why male eating disorders are much less spoken about than female eating disorders, his experience with self-harm and suicide & how he’s still trying to work out how to feel love. Daff also stresses the importance of TALKING about your mental state, so that people around you are aware and can take care of you when you need it❗️This really is what our MWS community is all about, talking openly about the hard sh** we all face & often mask so well until it’s too late!! I hope you’ve enjoyed this episode, it truly reached my core 🙏🏾💜 If anyone has stories to share or just simply wants a ear to listen, myself and the MWS community is always here 💗


Mouth Wide Shut: Dealing With Depression As A Man & Near Death Experiences


Mouth Wide Shut: Working on self-worth & using yoga to reconnect 🙏🏾