Episode Seven: Saving Your Own Life & Challenging Your Perspective, With Vikas
"When you have a mental health challenge its the lens through which your entire universe is concocted is broken, and that’s a pretty astonishing thing to break."
Episode Seven of 'South Asian Overground' welcomes Manchester born - West Indian, philanthropist, entrepreneur, author and self-proclaimed 'cat dad', Vikas Shah (MBE.) Having set up his first business at 14, interviewed over 500 people; including the likes of Will.I.Am, Maya Angelou & Auschwitz survivors, written two books, and given a Ted X Talk in Manchester focused on his own journey with mental health struggles, Vikas is the definition of inspiring! In this episode Vikas and I cover A LOT; how he saved his own life, the problems of living a double life in the South Asian community & the pressure to conform, as well as the importance of finding your 'niche' when creating something new.
I cannot thank Vikas enough for his wisdom and insight on this episode, I believe all of you lot will definitely take something profound away from this episode!
Track list:
Songs From The Seven Towers - Bombay Dub Orchestra
Heaven - Talvin Singh